Travel has its own impact on the environment and the local population of your destination. Sustainable enterprise and self-awareness regarding that impact is something De Buck takes seriously. That is why we are aiming for Travelife certification, so that as a travel organisation we will know exactly which hotels operate a sustainable policy and what their impact is on the environment. Travelife is a prestigious international management and certification scheme that helps travel companies and accommodations to operate sustainably and ecologically. The product we offer as an organisation is ‘the world’. We must take care of it, so that we can continue to enjoy this special product.
Travelife certification is a continuous process based on the following elements:
- A base measurement.
- Creation of a sustainable policy with short- and long-term objectives.
- Creation of concrete action plans in order to achieve the objectives.
- Creation of a monitoring and evaluation system.
- Travelife is part of the sustainable policy operated by De Buck. Would you like to know what else we do? Find out here.
- For questions concerning Sustainable Tourism at De Buck, please contact Sylvia Samson, Sustainability Manager.
Every year, we give young people with cancer an unforgettable weekend. In recent years we have spent two days in the fairytale world of the Efteling, with an overnight in the famous Efteling Hotel as the icing on the cake. Quality time and a great experience are what this weekend is all about!
April 2024
They provide the air in our lungs, are home to extraordinary wildlife, keep the earth cool and produce rain. Forests have many positive characteristics for humans and animals! For every participant in an incentive trip by air, we plant a tree in one of our De Buck forests in, amongst other places, Beervelde, Lembeke, Oudenaarde, Lo-Reninge or Bornem. This all takes place in cooperation with organizations like Bos+, Bosgroepen and other…..Added together, De Buck currently, has already planted a forest larger than 1km by 1km in Belgium!
A new venue for the Chiro Girls of Oostakker Lourdes
Because we believe in the importance of youth movements, we sponsored this group to contribute to build a new venue. We wish them well with their commendable initiative!
Since this year, De Buck has been a structural sponsor of “Light for the World,” an organization that sets up hospitals in East Africa specifically to perform eye surgeries.
Corals are our underwater forests. The Buck is sponsoring coral restoration in northwest Bali thanks to the Bio-Rock project that calls on a technique using sustainable low-voltage electricity.