School trips
What better way to learn about something than by simply going there? An inspiring trip to Italy, for example. You and your students will criss-cross this gorgeous country by coach. We’ll stop off in cities such as Pisa, Rome or Bologna. Cities with a rich history and a beautiful culture. Based on your lesson plans, budget, destination and choice of transport, we can put together an unforgettable trip for your students. Learning while travelling, that’s something that will appeal to your students.
Or did you have your mind on somewhere else? Make an appointment with us so we can go over the various possibilities together. By working with local organisations all over the world, no challenge is too great for us. There is still a staggering amount of countries waiting for you to go and discover their extraordinary culture. How about Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Great Britain or India? A school trip organised by De Buck will not be forgotten anytime soon.